Edgewater Sports Park is Cincinnati's Premier Championship NHRA Drag Racing Facility. The track is located along the scenic banks of the Great Miami River just west of Cincinnati in the town of Cleves, Ohio.
Edgewater Sports Park has been in continuous operation since 1958 and has hosted some of the greatest Drag Racers of all times. The track is currently operated by the Weinle family who are in the process of making improvements to delight both racers and fans alike. Check our schedule of events and join us for some of the best racing around!
Edgewater Sports Park is more than just drag racing. You'll find car shows, swap meets, concerts and much more on the schedule.
See you there!
Edgewater Sports Park reserves the right to remove, ban, fine, or suspend anyone from the premises whom causes any disruption of guest enjoyment & safety or interferes with normal daily operations. Any driver not willing to comply with our rules may also be disqualified. Thank you.
If a guest is escorted off the premises for any reason, the entry payment will NOT be refunded. Breaking any rule listed here or posted anywhere around the property poses a risk to being fined or banned from Edgewater. Racer’s breaking any rules may be suspended from racing at Edgewater if necessary.
Event Rules: 2025
On behalf of the Weinle Family, thank you for choosing Edgewater Sports Park, “The Race Place in Cincinnati”. We welcome you to participate in our high-speed events within the confines of our rules. At Edgewater our goal is to promote a safe and fair motorsports event for all to enjoy.
Please read the following rules and procedures carefully. It is the racer’s responsibility to read and understand the rules and guidelines contained within. Remember, no printed rule book or guidelines can replace courtesy and / or common sense. Responsible behavior is expected and appreciated. Individuals not following rules may be subject to disqualification from the event and / or suspension from future events.
Section 1 General Conduct:
· General
o The general event rules, code of conduct and race procedures outlined below are in addition to NHRA rules specified in the 2025 NHRA Rulebook. NHRA Rulebooks are available online at www.nhraracer.com. Track rules are subject to interpretation and judgement call of the race director and management of Edgewater Sports Park.
o Absolutely no drinking and driving or drug use is permitted at Edgewater.
o Edgewater is a family friendly facility. Physical altercations with staff or guests will not be tolerated.
· ALL Motorized Vehicles and Support Vehicles must be operated by a licensed driver over the age of 16. Joy riding and horseplay on any vehicles is strictly forbidden.
o No skateboards, foot-propelled scooters, roller blades, BMX bicycles etc. permitted to be operated while the event is in progress anywhere on grounds.
o Violators of this policy and their guardian will receive 1 verbal warning from track management. A subsequent violation will result in disqualification from the event for the race team as well as forfeiture of prize money and points earned. Vehicles may be impounded from rider/driver as well.
· Always pay attention to your surroundings. If you see something, say something to the management. The safety of our racers, family, crew, and spectators is paramount. Please report any suspicious behavior to the front gate staff.
· The speed limit on all return roads and in the staging lanes is 10 MPH.
· Race Cars and vehicles in tow have the right of way to all pedestrian traffic and pit vehicle traffic within the park.
· Responsibility:
o Drivers are responsible for anyone on their crew or in their party who violates the code of conduct at Edgewater Sports Park and may be disciplined for the conduct of their team. Parents and / or guardians are the responsible party for Jr. Dragsters in competition at Edgewater.
· Trash and Clean Up:
o In effort to keep the park maintained properly for our racers and spectators, please clean up your pit space before departing the facility. This will allow us to spend more time on grounds and facility maintenance each week.
o There are two dump stations in the facility for used oil. Please do not drain any contaminated liquids directly onto the ground or in unapproved containers.
o Dumping or “cracking” RV tanks in pit spaces is strictly forbidden.
· Pit Spaces:
o Racers are welcome to reserve pit spaces for family and friends. Please limit the number of reserved spots to (2) per rig in effort to reward race teams arriving early with their choice of preferred pit space.
o For larger events, please park closer together to accommodate more rigs.
o Open fires in the pits and glass bottles are strictly forbidden on the premises.
o All dogs must remain on a leash. If you wish to bring your dog or pet to the track, you must clean up their waste on the ground.
Section 2 Event Entry:
· Double Entry Rules
o A competition vehicle and / or driver may only go down the track a maximum of twice per round of competition.
o Participants are limited to a maximum of two entries, regardless of the combination of classes or eliminators entered.
o Accepted forms of Double Entry at Edgewater are as follows:
§ 1 driver, 2 cars (any class / classes)
§ 1 driver, same car two classes (1 entry in each class)
§ 1 driver, same car and same class (2 entries in one class only)
§ 2 drivers, 1 car (same class or 2 classes – car and driver may go down the track a maximum of two times per round)
o If you are double entered, you must be at the head of the staging lanes for your first entry to ensure a timely return for your second entry of the round.
o It is your responsibility to get to the staging lanes quickly for your second entry.
· Tech Card Sales & Event Entry
o Tech cards will remain on-sale until the start of eliminations. Once first round eliminations have begun, no additional tech cards will be sold to anyone currently on the premises.
o Any driver who arrives to the event after eliminations have begun may purchase a tech card (and buy back if necessary) to enter the event without a time trial.
· Substitute Competition Vehicles / Drivers:
o No car or driver substitutions of any kind are allowed after eliminations begin.
o Racers may change vehicles from their original entry with prior authorization from Race Director or Tech Department before first round eliminations begin only. All double entry rules remain in effect.
o Switching competition vehicles after first round of eliminations is prohibited regardless of any breakage or circumstance.
o Drivers may be substituted before first round eliminations begin, with prior authorization from the race director.
· Broke Passes:
o If your race vehicle breaks during time trials, we will issue broke pass credit minus the cost of spectator entry. Broke pass valid for current season only.
· Tech Inspection:
o Everyone must go through tech before going down the track, no exceptions. All cars are subject to tech inspection to confirm their compliance with basic safety rules and regulations. All drivers must sign and completely fill out a tech card. Upon completion of inspection, you will be issued a run card that will allow you access to the track.
o All cars are subject to inspection at anytime to confirm their legality with regard to illegal timers, infrared scanners, counters, track locators, and delay boxes (prohibited in Jr. Dragster, Pro & Sportsman). Aftermarket traction control devices of any kind are prohibited in all classes. Notice: Anyone found to be in violation of these rules will be disqualified from the event and will forfeit all prize money and points earned for the event.
· Safety Equipment:
o ALL vehicles running 6.39 (9.99) or faster are required to have an engine diaper or lower containment device regardless of category. Edgewater may refuse access to the track to vehicles not in compliance with this rule. Random spot checks will be in effect.
o All vehicles running 6.39 (9.99) or faster must be NHRA certified and / or chassis compliant per NHRA rules.
o ALL drivers with vehicles running 4.49 (7.49) and/or 150 mph or faster are required to wear a SFI 38.1 head and neck restraint. 6.39-4.50 (9.99-7.50) and ALL open bodies vehicles are required to wear a SFI 3.3 Neck Collar. All drivers are responsible for their own safety and must wear the required safety equipment for their ET and MPH.
o ALL Junior Dragster Drivers are required to wear SFI 38.1 head and neck restraint. Head and neck restraints required use with a SFI 3.3 head sock or helmet skirt or SFI 3.3 neck collar.
o Belts, helmets, and all safety equipment must remain fully fastened until your vehicle has exited the track surface.
o NHRA Rule Books are available for reference at www.nhraracer.com.
Section 3: Buy Back Rules:
· Procedure
o Racers may buy back in order to re-enter the race if they lose first round at events where buy backs are offered.
o You may only buy back your original entry. (No: substitute drivers, buying back a single entered driver to make them double entered or buying back into another class not originally entered)
o A buy back purchase re-enters a racer directly into 2nd round of eliminations.
o The track reserves the right to offer “First or Second Round Buy Backs” when low car count necessitates the change. When such an instance occurs, it will be announced before eliminations begin. A racer may only buy back a losing entry a maximum of one time in the event of losing first or second round.
o For Quick 8 / Quick 16 events, non-qualifiers may enter Super Pro for no additional entry fee. First Round Quick 8 / Quick 16 losers may buy back into 2ndround of Super Pro. This excludes events that are Super Pro Shootouts, where the field is capped or by invitation only for points members.
Section 4 Time Runs:
o During single day events or the first day of a multi-day event, we aim to provide two time runs per entry for those who wish to take advantage of an additional pass down the track. Inclement weather or unforeseen circumstances may cause time runs to be limited to one per entry at the discretion of management.
o Staging lanes will both open and close at an announced / scheduled time for each eliminator.
o It is your responsibility to enter the staging lanes before the staging lanes close. Entering the staging lanes after the lanes close is subject to denial of a time run.
o Mechanical issue or poor performance from a contestant’s entry during time runs will not warrant or constitute a second attempt at a time run during an official time run session.
o There will not be a scheduled clean up session unless advertised. It is your responsibility to be in the staging lanes when your class is called for time runs.
o Special exceptions may be made in instances of hardship or late arrival.
Section 5 Staging Lane Procedures:
· For Time Trials: Contestant vehicles in even number staging lanes will run right lane on the track. Contestant vehicles in odd number staging lanes will run left lane on the track.
· Elimination Pairings: pairings for eliminations are set when two contestants reach the front of the staging lanes behind the grandstands and are signaled by track personnel.
· A vehicle that breaks or becomes disabled in the lineup area between the ready line and the staging lanes will be allowed 2 minutes to fire and pull onto the track once the pair is next up on the track. If the vehicle cannot make the call, it is disqualified, and their opponent will receive a competition single and remain eligible for a bye run.
§ Super Pro: early round pairings are side by side according to staging lane assignment. Example: lane 10 (right lane) races lane 9 (left lane).
· Once the lanes are single file: pairings will be front to back, with the first car in line having lane choice.
· In late rounds, a chip draw format will be used to pair the racers across 10 staging lanes. First chip drawn receives lane choice, 2nd chip drawn is opponent.
§ Pro & Sportsman: chip draw format is used throughout eliminations as referenced above in the assigned staging lanes for the class.
§ Jr. Dragster: chip draw format is used throughout eliminations as referenced above in the assigned staging lanes. Every effort will be made to pair racers against their own age group.
§ Note: double entered cars will occupy or represent 2 staging lanes when there are 10 or less cars left in their eliminator. It is possible that a double entered contestant may “run themselves” late in the race.
§ A driver sitting on the wait and see bye run has lane choice throughout eliminations (except in the final round). A coin flip or chip draw will be used to determine lane choice for the final round if necessary.
· When positioned at the ready line, competitors are required to have all safety equipment on in compliance with manufacturer specifications. A dial-in must be displayed on the right side of the vehicle and taillights on after the track lights have been illuminated. No adjustments to dial-in may be made past the ready line without the consent of track management. (Oil down clean up, sun delay, or significant lapse of time from previous pair etc.)
· Dial-Ins: Competitors will dial-in within the current limitations of the NHRA Division 3 Summit ET Finals rules. Failure to display a dial-in beyond the ready line will result in the competitor being dialed at the class minimum.
o Failure to display a dial-in constitutes dialing the class minimum. Super Pro = 4.30 / Pro = 5.40. Sportsman = 11.60
o Incomplete dial ins will be recorded by track personnel as follows: 5. ___ = 5.00 or 6.2__ = 6.20
· The water box and finish line scorecards should be double checked by the racers for accuracy prior to pre-staging for acceptance. If you pre-stage on a bad dial-in, “you own it” and there will be no re-runs. If your dial-in is incorrect, please notify the starter and it will be corrected.
Class ET Breaks:
o Super Pro: 4.30 -7.75
o Pro: 5.40 – 8.99
o Sportsman: 11.60 – 19.99 (points races) & 10.00 – 19.99 (non-points races)
o ET Motorcycle: 7.50 – 15.99
o Jr. Dragster: NHRA age restrictions and rules enforced. ANY Junior faster than 7.50 or 85mph will be disqualified.
· Bye Runs:
o The first round bye run will be determined by a random drawing of tech cards in the tower and will be announced before eliminations begin.
o A contestant sitting on the potential bye run will carry the bye run throughout eliminations until they use it or are eliminated.
o After first round, all other bye runs are awarded by best winning reaction time.
§ Tie breaker is first to accomplish the reaction time.
o Once a contestant’s entry has taken the bye run, they are no longer eligible for a second bye run unless all remaining competitors have also had a bye run. In which case, rules revert to best reaction time of the previous round.
o Taking the tree and moving forward out of the stage beams on a bye run is mandatory to advance into the next round of eliminations. No “skipping the bye”.
o Competition vehicles sitting on the potential bye run should come off the lanes on the hill and notify track staging lanes personnel of their lane preference.
o In the event of an even number of cars remaining, drivers on the bye will have lane choice except in the final round (see Lane Choice Rules)
Crew Member Conduct:
· No alcohol use permitted in the staging lanes or lineup area.
· Re-runs may be issued in rare circumstances for glitches with the timing system and unique situations that constitute or warrant a re-run. Staging under wrong dial in does not constitute a re-run.
· Re-runs will be discussed with the driver(s) involved, the Edgewater race director, and a track official witness.
· Vulgar language or threats made to track personnel or participants will not be tolerated or considered for a re-run. Edgewater will make every effort possible to provide a fair and professional race for all competitors.
Section 6: Race Procedures:
· Edgewater conforms to NHRA and Summit ET Finals rules unless otherwise specified.
o Watch for instructions from the starter and other track officials prior to pulling onto the track and beginning a burnout.
· Racers will receive one opportunity to complete a burnout prior to the start of a race. Racers in Super Pro are permitted to burnout past the starting line. Any vehicle that crosses the stage beam while attempting to stage regardless of reason before the tree fires has “rolled the beams” and will be disqualified during eliminations.
o In classes with official qualifying sessions such as Q8 or Q32, rolling the beams during a qualifying run will count as an untimed official pass and a time of 28.000 will be recorded as the Elapsed Time. No “back up and try again” will be permitted during official qualifying.
· Vehicles that have become disabled after reaching the racing surface will receive 30 seconds to refire and prepare to race before being disqualified by a track official.
· Personnel: Only event staff, drivers, and crew members are permitted on the starting line or track surface. Once a vehicle is rolling forward to approach the starting line, crew members making physical contact with the vehicle is prohibited. If there is a safety concern, notify the starter immediately.
· Drivers are not permitted to use their cell phones while on the track surface.
· Courtesy Staging is encouraged and appreciated but not required in all classes.
· Deep Staging will be honored in Pro, Sportsman, and Jr. Dragster only.
· Excessive braking either before or after the finish line is subject to a warning and grounds for disqualification from the event. We expect racers to respect the safety of themselves and others while racing at Edgewater. Warnings and / or disqualification will be issued when personal or opponent safety has been compromised.
· Once the track lights are on, it is required that all cars have at least one working taillight illuminated while on the racing surface. Contestants are subject to a 1stwarning and disqualification for this safety infraction.
· If your vehicle breaks during a run, we encourage you to pull over towards the wall in your lane and bring the vehicle safely to a stop.
o This will help reduce downtime for oil down clean ups and ensure the track remains in good working condition. We will assist you with a tow back to your pit area if needed.
o Edgewater reserves the right to turn away or disqualify competitors who habitually leave fluid on the track surface.
o Edgewater reserves the right to charge a competitor for costs from an excessive clean-up from a track oil-down. Costs may include track-drying materials, mops, brooms, rags, reducers, and fuel charges.
· When exiting the racing surface, the right lane should yield to the left lane for safety.
Please Note:
Rules, guidelines, policies, or procedures not addressed above or contained within are subject to interpretation and final decision of the Race Director. All decisions will be made in the interest of protecting the integrity of events at Edgewater Sports Park. The decisions made by the Race Director are impartial and final.
If you have further questions regarding the rules of our events, please contact the Race Director on the day of the event at the head of staging. For questions during the week please call the office at 513-353-4666. Thank you for choosing Edgewater Sports Park.
4819 East Miami River Road, Cleves, Ohio 45002, United States